一、 员工必须在11月28号之前将28号之前发生的费用(发票日期为28号前的)在PSA系统按照发票的月份分别提交。业务线需要在30号前完成第一级审批。
二、 相关单据,报销员工需要在2012年12月20号之前将报销单据寄到天津共享服务中心,逾期邮寄的,单据将不能报销。
三、 在11月28号之后提交之前发生的费用的,并且未说明具体原因的,财务部将不予通过。
四、 请各部门经理负责通知在客户现场的员工,确保每位员工都阅读过邮件,财务部将不接受因未收到邮件而导致延迟报销的情况。
Notice for regulation of submitting employee’s reimbursement
In order to ensure the amount of employee’s reimbursement being precise in account, for reimbursement submitting, please be aware of the follow requirement:
1. Employee should collect all your invoices happened before 11.28, and reimburse them in PSA system before 11.28. All the supervisors should finish the auditing after employee submitting the reimbursement.
2. Employee need to mail the reimbursement and related invoices to Tianjin shared service center before 2012.12.20. Otherwise, we will not approve your reimbursement.
3. If you cannot submit the reimbursement before 11.28 in PSA for some reason, please give us an explanation via email.
4. Project managers please forward this email to the employees who cannot receive emails, and push them to claim the reimbursement in time.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Tianjin Shared Service Center
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