首先感谢大家在2012年辛苦的工作及付出,以及大家对公司各项工作的支持与合作!为了更好的倾听您的心声,公司特启动2012年度工作环境(Q12)在线调查。请您登录“http://www.68cy.com” 或者登录 “-> 员工天地 ->工作环境(Q12)调查”,反馈您对工作环境的真实感受。
- 本次调查的截止日期为2013年2月1日,请务必于2月1日前完成并提交您的反馈。
- 完成该调查问卷大约需要3分钟的时间。
- 因网络等原因无法登陆iPSA的同事,可联系城市HR索取电子文档。
- 如果您有任何相关问题,请发送 E-mail到dedp5373418Qqq.com。
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for 2012 hard working and your support for company. In order to listen your voice , we launch 2012 Annual Working Environment (Q12) online Survey today.
Please log in or ->员工天地->工作环境(Q12)调查, and let us listen your voice!
The purpose of this survey is to collect employees’ feedback regarding working environment. Your feedback will serve as the basis for managers in order to continuously improve our work better.
We promise the whole process of servey will keep confidential and anonymous. Your input will be processed and analyzed by the system then form final general report. Please don’t worry about it.
[ Notes ]
- Deadline for this survey is February 1, 2013. please complete and submit it before February 1, 2013.
- It will take you about 3 minutes.
- Please contact HR Department to get a e-copy, if you can’t log in iPSA due to network reason etc.
- Any questions, You can send email to 5373418Qqq.com .
网址:http://www.400y.net http://www.400040064008.com/